Tuesday, September 7, 2010

George Lucas Case Study Outline*

I. Introduction

A. Thesis: The goal of this case-study is to critically examine the impact filmmaker George Lucas has had on modern cinema.
B. Subarguments
1. Legacy: Lucas has changed how films are made. His films have inspired many of today’s great filmmakers, revolutionized the studio system, and allowed for the development of innovative filmmaking techniques.
Controversy: Such change has also led to a mass production of movies as product, no longer is cinema for the sake of aesthetics, they are assembly line branding.
2. It is important to note that regardless of which view you agree with, George Lucas has affected filmmaking. It is my intention to criticize George Lucas in order to bring discussion on his impact and to show both sides of the story.

II. Body

A. Biography
1. Early Years
-His early life in Modesto California and his passion for cars.
-Discovering filmmaking and storytelling.
-USC Film School and meeting Francis Ford Coppolla.
-American Zoetrope, THX1138, and American Graffiti.
2. The Star Wars
-Brief introduction on the development of the franchise.
-Indiana Jones, ILM, and impact.
B. Filming the Saga
1. The struggle of making Star Wars “A New Hope”
2. Several sources contradict the official story of making Star Wars. It’s apparent that most of the story was developed during production and in the subsequent sequels. Production was chaotic, cast/crew didn’t understand what Lucas’ intention was and ILM struggled with the fx.
3. Eventually the culmination of uncertainty and pressure led Lucas on releasing the unfinished product, which surprisingly succeeded. The scars however, led him to focus on the business aspect of moviemaking resulting in hiring new directors and writers for the sequels. He would remain as Executive Producer.
C. The Sequels and Indiana Jones
1. George Lucas realized that as Executive producer he was more able to manage his production company and oversee the overall process of his films without much studio control. This allowed him to work on simultaneous projects and profit from all of them.
2. Various interviews show Lucas’ passion for being independent from the studio system. He became his own studio, running the show with absolute control. Raiders of the Lost Ark became his next franchise. Star Wars producer Gary Kurtz disagreed with Lucas new approach and left after Empire Strikes Back.
3. As Executive Producer he successfully monopolized on the Star Wars and Indiana Jones Franchise. His various assets from Lucasfilm and ILM allowed him to expand his business into a Brand Company. For the next 20 years George Lucas became a visionary at the craft of marketing and business.
D. The Prequels & Future
1. George Lucas admits that making Star Wars was a struggle indeed, but we begin to note that with each film he made, his ability to oversee and control the project allowed for a more efficient method at production.
2. The prequels demonstrate Lucas’ total control over a project without being challenged. Gary Kurtz mentions this in various interviews.
E. Impact
1. George Lucas has inspired today’s great filmmakers and how films are made. ILM continues to be an award winning visual effects facility and Star Wars continues to grow.
2. The fans however share a love and hate relationship as noted in the various fanfilms and criticisms.

III. Conclusion

A. Regardless of your opinion, the life of George Lucas and the history of his films have left an amazing impact on film history.
B. For me George Lucas is a great innovative filmmaker and it’s the pitfalls and obstacles of his journey that make him more interesting. We tend to view our heroes as invincible but when we carefully examine them, they are just like you or me, and that’s inspiring.

*Themes and topics subject to change

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